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Thank you!Tug Truck Driver AssessmentTractor TugDetailsSafety CheckOperationCouplingShutdownFinishCompany DetailsDateStart TimeAssessor NameAndrew HawesAndrew McGuireSend ToAndrew HawesAndrew McGuireCompanyPlease selectVisy BoardVisy LogisticsWoolworthsAddressPlease select299 McKoy St, West Wodonga VIC 36901 Melrose Dr, Wodonga VIC 3690118 Hammond Rd, Dandenong VIC 317527 Doriemus Dr, Truganina VIC 3029Other Address (if not in dropdown menu)Operator DetailsOperator NameDOBAssessment1st AssessmentRe-AssessmentLicence #Expiry DateStateVICNSWQLDWASANZLicence ClassMCHCMRHRCAREmail Renewal Reminder ToUpload Operator Licence Upload% Completed02nd upload Upload% Completed0Equipment DetailsEquipment TypeTug TruckPrime MoverModelDaysworthLindeToyotaHysterYaleCombinationSingleB/DoubleOther Information (*Not able to be entered in the above fields*) Performance CriteriaUnit 1 - CONDUCT PRE-OPERATIONAL CHECKSOutcomeCompetentNot Yet Competent1.1 - Checks Mirrors/windows/windscreen 1.2 - Checks all lights condition and working 1.3 - Checks for oil / Fluid leaks 1.4 - Checks tyres/ Wheels & wheel nuts 1.5 - Checks vehicle for Cabin/Body Condition /damage 1.6 - Checks battery cell caps and terminal covers 1.7 - Checks mudguards / flaps 1.8 - Checks turntable / Jaws 1.9 - Checks Steering 1.10 - Checks vehicle brakes / Trailer brakes 1.11 - Checks Gauges 1.12 - Checks Horn & reverse alarm 1.13 - Checks Seat & Seatbelt 1.14 - Side Marker Lights 1.15 - Checks windshield wipers/water level 1.16 - Check fluid levels, Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission 1.17 - 3 points of contact used when climbing on & off or entering & exiting trucks & trailers 1.18 - Checks the airlines and electrical leads are stowed correctly or are connected correctly 1.19 - Completes safety checks as per company policy Issue IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 1Struggled to identify all elements, required some coaxingFailed to provide a satisfactory pre-operational check UNIT 2 - VEHICLE OPERATIONOutcomeCompetentNot Yet Competent2.1 - Safety check (gear stick, park brake) Seat & mirrors adjusted, seat belt and start engine to specification. 2.2 - Seat belt is worn 2.3 - Consistently check mirrors (4-8 seconds) 2.4 - Constant smooth application 2.5 - Smooth application and release of clutch, does not ride (rest foot over clutch pedal) 2.6 - Selects the right gear for the situation (cornering, climbing, descending) 2.7 - Operates within the manufacture’s specifications 2.8 - Performs smooth gear changingIssue IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 2Failed to use hazard lightsFailed to use horn UNIT 3 - TRAILER COUPLING SKILLSOutcomeCompetentNot Yet Competent3.1 - Use 3 points of contact when entering and exiting prime mover 3.2 - Uses hazard lights when reversing 3.3 - Check the jaws are open 3.4 - Ensure the trailer is secured 3.5 - Position the prime mover just forward of the trailer. 3.6 - Check the entry alignment and ensure that the prime mover will clear the trailer (two positioning adjustments are allowed). 3.7 - Lowers turntable to clear trailer 3.8 - Reverse the prime mover slowly until the turntable jaws lock around the king pin 3.9 - Performs tug test 3.10 - Check coupling release lever. 3.11 - Applies park brake 3.12 - Connect airlines and electrical cables 3.13 - Switch on trailer air supply valve and charge the trailer air brake system. 3.14 - Check the trailer air pressure (inspect for air leaks). 3.15 - Fully raise turntable so the trailer the landing gearis clear from the ground 3.16 - Conduct all procedures safely and efficiently 3.17 - Procedures may vary due to configuration. The main emphasis must be on safety.Issue IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 3Not use 3 Points of ContactNot use hazard lightsNot lower turntable to clear trailerUNIT 4 - TRAILER UN-COUPLING SKILLSOutcomeCompetentNot Yet Competent4.1 - Uses hazard lights when reversing 4.2 - Applies park brake 4.3 - Use 3 points of contact when entering and exiting prime mover 4.4 - Lower landing gear (ensuring firm and even contact with the ground ). 4.5 - Disconnects the airlines and electrical cable, stows away securely. 4.6 - Release locking jaws 4.7 - Move forward slowly until turntable is clear of the skid plate, confirm stability of the trailer 4.8 - Lowers air bags to ensure clearance from trailer 4.9 - Drives away slowly 4.10 - Ensure the driver’s door is closed whenever the vehicle is moving 4.11 - Conducts all procedures safely and efficiently 4.12- Procedures may vary due to configuration. The main emphasis must be on safety. Issue IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 4Not use 3 Points of ContactNot stow cablesNot lower turntable to clear trailer UNIT 5 - TRAILER REVERSING SKILLSOutcomeCompetentNot Yet Competent5.1 - Use hazard lights when reversing 5.2 - Use both mirrors when reversing 5.3 - Reverse trailer in to parking bay (to one metre off the end of the parking bay). 5.4 - Trailer is parked parallel in parking bay 5.5 - Wheels do not cross any lines Issue IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 5Not use hazard lights when reversingNot park trailer straightUNIT 6 - PARKING & SHUTDOWN SKILLSOutcomeCompetentNot Yet Competent6.1 - Parks truck in allocated area. 6.2 - Applies Park brake 6.3 - Selects neutral gear or Park 6.4 - Shuts down engine correctly 6.5 - Exits truck using 3 points of contact 6.6 - Secures truck and areaIssue IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 6Not using 3 points of contactNot Park truck in allocated areaNot apply park brakeKnowledge OutcomeUnit 7 - QUESTIONNAIREQuestions Correct01234567Questions assisted with1234567Verbal AssessmentNoYesAdditional Comments Final Outcome In relation to this Tug Truck heavy vehicle driving Assessment, the participant has been assessed as:Final OutcomePlease selectCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedPlease selectYesNoFinish TimeRequires Further TrainingNoYesOverall CommentsSignatures On signing this training/assessment course completion form, it is acknowledged that the above-named training course has been completed by the named participant.Assessor SignatureOperator Signature Submit