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Thank you!Test PME TCRForklift, Grab-Bale Clamp, Order Picker, Reach Truck, Turret TruckSafety ChecksOperationOperationShutdownFinishCompany & Operator DetailsDateStart TimeAssessorPlease selectAndrew McGuireGavin MichalowskyAndrew HawesSend TCR toPlease selectAndrew MGavinAndrew HCompanyPlease selectWoolworthsVisy IndustriesVisy LogisticsLoscamSaputoIplex PipelinesDonKRRocla PipesRemedy DrinksSitePlease selectBoardGlamaPlasticsRecyclingBeverage CanCCPVBAMState 1VICQLDNSWSAWAACTNTTASNZselectPlease selectSelect 1Address QLDPlease select298-300 Stapylton-Jacobs Well Road, Stapylton, QLD, 420738 Cobalt Street, Carole Park, QLD, 430031 Stradbroke Street, Heathwood, QLD, 4110168 Paringa Road, Murarrie, QLD, 4172223 Orchard Rd, Richlands, QLD, 4077110 Eastlake St, Carrara, QLD, 421112 Concorde Place, Caboolture, QLD, 4510227 Ewing Road, Woodridge QLD, 411459-69 Home Hill Road, Ayr, QLD, 480711 Rifle Range Road, Gayndah, QLD, 4625 Shed 4, 11 Production Street, Bundaberg, QLD, 467037 Weston Drive, Gatton, QLD, 434313-17 Martin Tenni Drive, Mareeba, QLD, 4880Cnr Warwick & Chandler Roads, Bowen, QLD, 480522 Clifford Road, Innisfail, QLD, 4860 Hewitt Siding - Bruce Highway, Tully, QLD, 4854137 Montague Rd, South Brisbane, QLD, 410128 Magnesium Dr, Crestmead, QLD, 413296 Tile St, Wacol, QLD, 407636 Suscatand St, Rocklea, QLD, 4106Address NSWPlease select2 Leewood Drive, Orange, NSW, 2800102/122 Gipps Road, Smithfield, NSW, 216411 Bulmer Avenue, Griffith, NSW, 268041-51 Scrivener St, Warwick Farm, NSW, 2170Gate 9, 41-51 Scrivener Street, Warwick Farm, NSW, 21706 Herbert Place, Smithfield, NSW, 2164126 Andrews Road, Penrith, NSW, 27501302 Snowy Mountains Hwy, Tumut, NSW, 27206-10 Burrows Road South, St Peters, NSW, 20441/10 Williamson Road, Ingleburn, NSW, 256520 Williamson Road, Ingleburn, NSW, 256543 Bay Road, Taren Point, NSW, 2229133 Reddalls Road, Kembla Grange, NSW, 252611A Ferndell Street, South Granville, NSW, 214230 Perry St, Matraville, NSW, 203671 Marigold Street, Revesby, NSW, 22128 Works Place, Milperra, NSW 2214170 Andrews Rd Penrith, NSW, 2750Address SAPlease select24-26 White Road, Gepps Cross, SA, 50943/10 Sharp Court, Mawson Lakes SA 50953/9 Sharp Court, Mawson Lakes SA 50951/9 Sharp Court, Mawson Lakes SA 50952 Matson Court, Gillman, SA, 501316-20 Johansson Rd, Wingfield, SA, 5013181 Morphett Rd, North Plympton, SA, 5037McKay Road, Berri, SA, 5343 625 Port Rd, West Croydon, SA, 5008Address WAPlease select49 Peel Rd, O'Connor, WA, 61636 Modal Street, Canningvale, WA, 61052-36 Bannister Road, Canning Vale, WA, 615594A Harrison Road, Forrestfield, WA, 605890 Collins Street, Donnybrook, WA, 6239Unit 3, 196 Bannister Road, Canning Vale, WA, 6155Ramsay Terrace, Donnybrook, WA, 6239Address ACTPlease select3/5 Foster Street, Queanbeyan, ACT, 2620Address NTPlease select10 Export Drive, East Arm, NT, 0822 Address TASPlease select8 Kelcey Tier Road, Spreyton, TAS, 7050Address NZPlease select85 Langley Road, Manukau City, Auckland, 2104 235 Roscommon Road, Wiri, Auckland, 2104122 Ingram Road, Rukuhia, Hamilton 3282107 Kerwyn Ave, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013Unit A/35 Wakefield Street, Onekawa, Napier,20-30 Bell Road South, Gracefields, Wellington,78 Treffers Road, Wigram, Christchurch107 Kerwyn Ave, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013Unit A/35 Wakefield Street, Onekawa, Napier20-30 Bell Road South, Gracefields, Wellington78 Treffers Road, Wigram, Christchurch,107 Kerwyn Ave, Auckland, 2013 211 Albany Highway, Albany, Auckland, 633029 Victoria Street, Onehunga, Auckland, 106121 Allens Rd, East Tamaki, Auckland, 2103752 Great S Rd, Auckland, 1061Other Address (if not in dropdown menu)Operator NameDOBAssessment1st Assessment1st Re-Assessment2nd Re-AssessmentLicence #Expiry DateStateVICQLDNSWWASAACTTASNTLicence ClassEmail Renewal Reminder ToCopy of Licence Upload% Completed02nd File Upload Upload% Completed0Equipment DetailsEquipment TypeForklift (Counterbalance)Forklift Paper Roll Clamp (Grab)Forklift Bale ClampOrder PickerReach Forklift TruckTurret TruckNarrow Aisle ForkliftSideloaderMantiou Rough TerrianCombilift/SideloaderReach StackerModelToyotaLindeKomatsuHysterYaleCrownGrendiaMitsubishiBaoliCapacity1T1.2T1.5T1.8T2T2.5T3T3.5T4T4.4T5T6T8T10T11T12T15T16T18T20T25TPower TypeLPGCNGElectricDieselPetrolUses AttachmentsForksSlippersJIBPaper Reel Clamp (Grab)Bale Clamp Safety CageFork SpreaderDrum LifterBin TipperRotatorDouble Fork SpreaderDouble Pallet HandlerBulk Bag Prong JibFixed Prong Drum PositionerHook & Tow JibTarp SpreaderCrane / Forklift Spreader BeamOther TypesOther Information (*Not able to be entered in the above fields*) Performance CriteriaUnit 1 - Conduct Pre-Operational ChecksOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsElements - Capacity plate on Forklift and compliance plate on attachment - LPG compliance plate, cylinder date and condition and secured correctly (if applicable) - Underneath forklift fluid / oil leaks - Warning decals - Condition of fork arms / attachment /locking pins - Mast assembly & back rest condition - Tilt and lift systems check for damage/leaks/wear (Hydraulic Rams) - Structure and overhead guard (Falling Object Protection & Roll Over Protection) - Tyres condition and pressure - Engine oil / Hydraulic oil level - Brake fluid / Power steering fluid (If accessible) - Coolant - Battery water level and connections - Transmission oil (If accessible) - Fan belt obstructions - Air filter indicator (if diesel) - Condition of seat and seat belt - Mirrors clean & not cracked - Hydraulic lines for any damage - RFT Scanner or other electronic devices Attached & Secured - Fire suppression system / Fire Extinguisher (If fitted) - Attachment condition - Attachment pins / chains / secure fittings POST START CHECK - Adjust seat and mirrors - Identify controls - Functioning Lights & Reversing light (if fitted) (Test) - Forward & Reverse movement - Warning devices – Horn / Reversing Beeper (Test) - Gauges (Check) - Brakes and hand brake (Test) - Steering (Test full lock to lock) - Attachment functionality - Functioning hydraulic lever controls (Test)CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 1Struggled to identify all elements of the pre-operational check and as a result was unable to provide a satisfactory pre-operational checkStruggled to identify all elements of the pre-operational check and required a lot of coaxing to identify the remaining elementsProvided a pre-operational checklist to use and studyUnit 2 - Attachment UseOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsDoes not use attachmentsElements - Checks Capacity plate is readable and ensures correct forklift capabilities - Checks for attachment compliance plate and is readable - Has been approved for the use of attachments - Ensure correct forklift use for attachments - Can explain 3 elements for checking before using any attachment - Understands correct procedure for use of safety cage - Understands lever control lockout process for safety cage - Selects the correct forklift / attachment for the correct task - Understands requirements for the use of a Jib attachment CommentsAll operators are asked if they are aware of the attachment requirements, and then are advised of the legal requirements and their obligations. All operators are informed of the forklift capacity plate and attachment compliance plate requirements.Unit 3 - Inspect Site and Work PlansOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsElements - Checks for obstacles / hazards / ground condition - Apply controls for obstacles / hazards / ground conditions - Know and use site Traffic management procedures - Wear required PPE (High Vis, Safety glasses etc) - Understands stacking height requirements - Identifies rapid roller doors and the correct procedure for entry(If applicable) CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 3 Unit 4 - Equipment OperationsOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsElements - Seat belt is worn correctly - Check over both shoulders prior to reversing - Observe - Checks corners / blind spots / pedestrians / traffic - Smoothness of vehicle operation - Acceleration sense - Correct use of warning devices - Maintains safe distance from other vehicles and pedestrians - Enter / Exit load smoothly without biding - Load positioned correctly relative to attachment before lifting - Load placed in stack location correctly - Load removed from stack location correctly - Load stacked correctly - Raise forks / attachments correctly - Lower forks / attachments correctly - Ensure Attachment is lowered to correct travel height - Load traveled at correct height (below axle height) - Speed - Travel speed to conditions - Control - Maintains safe control at all times - Ensure correct use of Park brake - Ensure correct control used - Ensure checks of rear end swing - Good steering control - Observation and Planning used - Confidence Level - Ensure understands correct use of LOTO - Ensures load is secured - Demonstrates knowledge of racking limitations (If applicable) - Good attitude towards forklift safety & operationsCommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 4turning with the load raisedload not hard against the heel of the forksOperated in an unsafe mannerbear hugging the reelsgrabbing reels at the basetravelling with the load above axel heighthas poor attitude towards forklift operations Unit 5 - Obstacles & Control ChecksOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsElements Remove load from block stack/racking location and relocate into block stack/racking location at a different the Trainers request - Empty load from a block stack/racking location - Replace load back into block stack/racking location Three (3) varied loads suitable for the M.H.E weighting at least 50% of the rated capacity. - Lift 1: From Floor - Lift 2: Medium Level. (Not less than 50% of machine's height capacity) - Lift 3: High Level. (Not less than 75% of machine's height capacity) CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 5Struggled with load at height Unit 6 - Shutdown EquipmentOutcome*CompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsElements - Parks Forklift in correct location - Lower fork-arm / attachments to the ground - Appropriate gear is selected when parking the vehicle - Applies Park Brake - Engine power is turned off - Understands LPG cylinder valve shut off - Battery connected to charger (if applicable) CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 6fork-arm / attachment not lowered to the groundPark Brake not appliedEngine power is not turned offUNIT 7 - Secure the SiteOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsElements - Understands where not to park a forklift  • First Aid facilities /Refuelling Station  • Access points / Emergency Fire Exits  • Walkways / Blind Corners - Mounts / Dismounts Correctly (Using 3 points of contact) CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 7Mounts / Dismounts forklift incorrectly not using 3 points of contactMounted / dismounted on the wrong side of forklift (Lever side)Unit 8 - Refuelling / Battery ChargingOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsElements - Shuts down forklift as per shutdown procedure LPG - Correct PPE worn when refuelling LPG cylinder - Follows SWP when refuelling forklift Electric - Follows SWP when connecting to a battery charger - Follows SWP when disconnecting from a battery charger - Understands when to top up battery water levels(before Charging) - Understands correct emergency proceduresCommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 8Did not shut down forklift as per shutdown procedureDid not wear correct PPE when refuellingDid not follow SWP when refuellingDoes not understand correct emergency proceduresHas very good knowledge of the battery charging process Unit 9 - QuestionnaireQuestions Correct*012345678910111213141516Total No. of Questions*151614Verbal Assessment Required*NoYesQuestion Numbers Assisted With*012345678910111213141516AllCommentsQuick CommentsCould not read or writeCould not understand the questionsCould not understand EnglishCould not write in EnglishPage 1 Upload Upload% Completed0Page 2 Upload Upload% Completed0Page 3 Upload Upload% Completed0Final OutcomeOutcome*CompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues Identified*NoYesRequires further training*NoYesFinish Time*Comments on Overall PerformanceQuick CommentsVery confident and competent operatorVery good operator, however lack knowledge of site policies and proceduresSignaturesOn signing this training/assessment course completion form, it is acknowledged that the above-named training course has been completed by the named Operator.Assessor Signature*Operator Signature* Submit