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Thank you!Tug Truck Training Competency RecordTractor TugDetailsSafety CheckOperationCouplingShutdownQuestionsFinalDateStart TimeAndrew HawesAndrew HawesAndrew McGuireAssessor NameAndrew HawesAndrew HawesAndrew McGuireSend ToPlease selectPlease selectVisy BoardVisy LogisticsWoolworthsCompanyAddressVICPlease selectVICNSWQLDWASANZStateOperator NameDOB1st Assessment1st AssessmentRe-AssessmentAssessmentLicence #Expiry DatePlease selectPlease selectVICNSWQLDWASANZStateLicence ClassTug TruckTug TruckPrime MoverEquipment TypeDaysworthDaysworthLindeToyotaHysterYaleModelSingleSingleB/DoubleBothCombinationUpload Operator Licence Upload% Completed0 Performance CriteriaUnit 1 - Conduct Pre-Operational ChecksCompetentCompetentNot Yet CompetentOutcome1.1 - Checks Mirrors/windows/windscreen 1.2 - Checks all lights condition and working 1.3 - Checks for oil / Fluid leaks 1.4 - Checks tyres/ Wheels & wheel nuts 1.5 - Checks vehicle for Cabin/Body Condition /damage 1.6 - Checks battery cell caps and terminal covers 1.7 - Checks mudguards / flaps 1.8 - Checks turntable / Jaws 1.9 - Checks Steering 1.10 - Checks vehicle brakes / Trailer brakes 1.11 - Checks Gauges 1.12 - Checks Horn & reverse alarm 1.13 - Checks Seat & Seatbelt 1.14 - Side Marker Lights 1.15 - Checks windshield wipers/water level 1.16 - Check fluid levels, Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission 1.17 - 3 points of contact used when climbing on & off or entering & exiting trucks & trailers 1.18 - Checks the airlines and electrical leads are stowed correctly or are connected correctly 1.19 - Completes safety checks as per company policy NoneNoneSee CommentsIssue IdentifiedAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsStruggled to identify all elements, required some coaxingFailed to provide a satisfactory pre-operational check UNIT 2 - VEHICLE OPERATIONCompetentCompetentNot Yet CompetentOutcome2.1 - Safety check (gear stick, park brake) Seat & mirrors adjusted, seat belt and start engine to specification. 2.2 - Seat belt is worn 2.3 - Consistently check mirrors (4-8 seconds) 2.4 - Constant smooth application 2.5 - Smooth application and release of clutch, does not ride (rest foot over clutch pedal) 2.6 - Selects the right gear for the situation (cornering, climbing, descending) 2.7 - Operates within the manufacture’s specifications 2.8 - Performs smooth gear changingNoneNoneSee CommentsIssue IdentifiedAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsFailed to use hazard lightsFailed to use horn UNIT 3 - TRAILER COUPLING SKILLSCompetentCompetentNot Yet CompetentOutcome3.1 - Use 3 points of contact when entering and exiting prime mover 3.2 - Uses hazard lights when reversing 3.3 - Check the jaws are open 3.4 - Ensure the trailer is secured 3.5 - Position the prime mover just forward of the trailer. 3.6 - Check the entry alignment and ensure that the prime mover will clear the trailer (two positioning adjustments are allowed). 3.7 - Lowers turntable to clear trailer 3.8 - Reverse the prime mover slowly until the turntable jaws lock around the king pin 3.9 - Performs tug test 3.10 - Check coupling release lever. 3.11 - Applies park brake 3.12 - Connect airlines and electrical cables 3.13 - Switch on trailer air supply valve and charge the trailer air brake system. 3.14 - Check the trailer air pressure (inspect for air leaks). 3.15 - Fully raise turntable so the trailer the landing gearis clear from the ground 3.16 - Conduct all procedures safely and efficiently 3.17 - Procedures may vary due to configuration. The main emphasis must be on safety.NoneNoneSee CommentsIssue IdentifiedAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsNot use 3 Points of ContactNot use hazard lightsNot lower turntable to clear trailerUNIT 4 - TRAILER UN-COUPLING SKILLSCompetentCompetentNot Yet CompetentOutcome4.1 - Uses hazard lights when reversing 4.2 - Applies park brake 4.3 - Use 3 points of contact when entering and exiting prime mover 4.4 - Lower landing gear (ensuring firm and even contact with the ground ). 4.5 - Disconnects the airlines and electrical cable, stows away securely. 4.6 - Release locking jaws 4.7 - Move forward slowly until turntable is clear of the skid plate, confirm stability of the trailer 4.8 - Lowers air bags to ensure clearance from trailer 4.9 - Drives away slowly 4.10 - Ensure the driver’s door is closed whenever the vehicle is moving 4.11 - Conducts all procedures safely and efficiently 4.12- Procedures may vary due to configuration. The main emphasis must be on safety. NoneNoneSee CommentsIssue IdentifiedAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsNot use 3 Points of ContactNot stow cablesNot lower turntable to clear trailer UNIT 5 - TRAILER REVERSING SKILLSCompetentCompetentNot Yet CompetentOutcome5.1 - Use hazard lights when reversing 5.2 - Use both mirrors when reversing 5.3 - Reverse trailer in to parking bay (to one metre off the end of the parking bay). 5.4 - Trailer is parked parallel in parking bay 5.5 - Wheels do not cross any lines NoneNoneSee CommentsIssue IdentifiedAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsNot use hazard lights when reversingNot park trailer straightUNIT 6 - PARKING & SHUTDOWN SKILLSCompetentCompetentNot Yet CompetentOutcome6.1 - Parks truck in allocated area. 6.2 - Applies Park brake 6.3 - Selects neutral gear or Park 6.4 - Shuts down engine correctly 6.5 - Exits truck using 3 points of contact 6.6 - Secures truck and areaNoneNoneSee CommentsIssue IdentifiedAdditional CommentsQuick CommentsNot using 3 points of contactNot Park truck in allocated areaNot apply park brake Knowledge OutcomeUnit 7 - Questionnaire001234567Questions CorrectQuestions assisted with1234567NoNoYesVerbal AssessmentAdditional Comments Final Outcome In relation to this Tug Truck heavy vehicle driving Assessment, the participant has been assessed as:Please selectPlease selectCompetentNot Yet CompetentFinal OutcomePlease selectPlease selectYesNoIssues IdentifiedFinish TimeNoNoYesRequires Further TrainingOverall CommentsSignatures On signing this training/assessment course completion form, it is acknowledged that the above-named training course has been completed by the named participant.Assessor SignatureOperator Signature Submit