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Thank you!InCab Heavy Vehicle Driver AssessmentHeavy Vehicle Driver AssessmentDetailsSafety ChecksOperationCouplingShutdownFinishCompany DetailsToday's Date*Start Time*Assessor*Andrew McGuireAndrew HawesSend TCR to*Andrew MAndrew HCompany*Visy LogisticsVisy GlassAddress*Please select13 Reo Cres, Campbellfield VIC 3061Shed G, 25 - 59 Bedford Street, Gillman, SA, 5013 143 Pearson Rd, Yatala QLD 420785 McKellar Way, Epping, VIC, 3076 405 Goulburn Valley Hway, Shepparton, VIC, 363027 Doriemus Dr, Truganina, VIC, 30295 Chifley Drive, Moorabbin Airport, VIC, 319426 Whiteside Road, Clayton, VIC, 3168 1302 Snowy Mountains Hwy, Tumut, NSW, 272016-20 Johansson Rd, Wingfield, SA, 5013168 Paringa Road, Murarrie, QLD, 417231 Stradbroke Street, Heathwood, QLD, 41106 Herbert Place, Smithfield, NSW, 216441-51 Scrivener Street, Warwick Farm, NSW, 2170 223 Orchard Rd, Richlands, QLD, 4077 2-36 Bannister Road, Canning Vale, WA, 615510 Williamson Road Ingleburn, NSW, 256520 Williamson Road Ingleburn, NSW, 2565262/266 Edwardes St, Reservoir VIC 307322 Radford Rd, Reservoir VIC 307336 Charles St, Coburg North VIC 3058Simcock Ave, Spotswood VIC 3015102/122 Gipps Road, Smithfield, NSW, 216449 Peel Rd, O'Connor, WA, 616330-36 Kitchen Road , Dandenong South , 3175Other Address (if not in dropdown menu)Operator DetailsOperator Name*DOB*Assessment1st Assessment1st Re-Assessment2nd Re-AssessmentLicence No.*Expiry Date*Class*MCMC RHCHRMROtherState*VICNSWQLDSAACTWANTTASNZEmail Renewal Reminder ToCopy of Licence* Upload% Completed02nd File Upload Upload% Completed0Equipment DetailsEquipment Type*Heavy CombinationHeavy RigidB/doubleA/doubleRoadtrainMake*ScaniaVolvoKenworthMackUDFusoDAFModel*Euro 5 540Euro 5GraniteQuon GW26PK17280R650G500Euro 6G550P310P360OtherGear Type*AutomaticManualRego*MT Data WorkingYesNoCamera's WorkingYesNoDCR Book in CabNoYesCabin Condition*Clean / TidyDirty / UntidyDamage to vehicleNoYesIf Damaged, Where is the damage located?Other Information (*Not able to be entered in the above fields*) Performance Criteria UNIT 1 - Conduct Pre-Start ChecksOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 1.1. Carries out required pre-trip inspection 1.2. Check that the Jaws are secure on your turn table 1.3. 3 points of contact used on entry and exit of cab 1.4. Understands functions and operation of instruments and controls 1.5. Adjusts seat/steering position to allow good vision and access to controls 1.6. Adjusts mirrors to enable good vision 1.7. Seat belt is worn and adjusted correctly 1.8. Driver understands MTData and Loadsmart 1.9 Understands to report equipment faults or damage immediately QuestionsCommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 1Struggled to carry out required pre-trip inspectionFailed to use 3 points of contact used on entry and exit of cabFailed to put on Seat beltFailed to check turntable jawsmtdata not used, pre-trip checklist page not completed in run book, advised the driver of the importance of completing this document at the start of his shift and not and the end of his shift.UNIT 2 - Start EngineOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 2.1 Checks park brake is applied 2.2 Ensures transmission is in Neutral/Park position 2.3 Acceleration applied on engine start 2.4 Checks all gauges for correct operation 2.5 Full air pressure is obtained before moving offCommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 2Failed to apply park brakeFailed to build air pressure before moving off UNIT 3 - Drive OffOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 3.1. Selects correct gear to avoid clutch shudder(If Applicable) 3.2. Tug Test Performed 3.3. Checks mirrors for hazards 3.4. Releases park brake 3.5. Acceleration applied on take off 3.6. Unit and brake pull test using hand piece 3.7. Low revs maintained until normal operating temperatures are reached 3.8. Acceleration is smooth and progressive 3.9. Forward thrust is felt during accelerationCommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 3Failed to conduct Tug TestFailed to Checks mirrorsRough AccelerationUNIT 4 - Drive VehicleOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 4.1. Gear changes are made within operating range of engine(If Applicable) 4.2. Clutch is used when making gear changes(If Applicable) 4.3. Correct sequence is used when making gear changes(If Applicable) 4.4. Obeys all speed restrictions (built up areas and open road) 4.5. Keeps revs low to minimise noise/emissions 4.6. All braking/slowing is done prior to entering corners and turns 4.7. Correct gear is selected prior to corners and turns (to maintain power)(If Applicable) 4.8. Auxiliary brakes are used to conserve brakes 4.9. Correct operating of power divider in off road / hazardous conditions 4.10. Good observations techniques are used (front, rear and to the sides) 4.11. Both hands are used on the steering wheel 4.12. Correct use of signals and indicators CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 4Failed to Obeys all speed restrictionsFailed to keep both hands on the steering wheelFailed to use correct signals and indicatorsFailed to keep both hands on the steering wheel, informed the driver of the importance of keeping both hands on the steering wheel at all times.UNIT 5 - Monitor ConditionsOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 5.1. Correct vehicle positioning is maintained on the road (open road / corners and turns) 5.2. Instruments and gauges are scanned at regular intervals (monitors operation) 5.3. Correct following distance is maintained 5.4. Hazardous manoeuvres are planned in advance 5.5. Adjust speed to suit varying road and environmental conditions 5.6. Braking is conducted correctly, unsafe applications identified, braking conducted within vehicle dynamics CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 5Incorrect vehicle positioning on the roadIncorrect following distanceIncorrect braking, braking hardIncorrect braking, braking to lateUNIT 6 - Cabin Drill, System Of ControlOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 6.1. Posture is correct, driver positioned for safe operation of all controls, gears 6.2. Steering technique, hands placed correctly on wheel, no adverse or harsh steering techniques 6.3. Mirror use, left and right, observations are conducted on regular basis 6.4. Hazard perception is identified, and safe operating distance kept from other vehicles 6.5. Driving line of vehicle and road side correct, no adverse operation identified 6.6. Overtaking is conducted safely, completed in a safe manger 6.7. Lane use is conducted operating and integrating with other road users 6.8. Left and right turns are conducted correctly, vehicle placed in correct gear prior to turning 6.9. Roundabout etiquette is correct, and driver applies good driving technique 6.10. Vehicle is placed is correct gear for moving off prior to stopping while in-transit at intersections, controlled environments 6.11. Confidence level is of a good quality standard, displays no adverse situations 6.12. Attitude is good, displays professional practices while integrating with other road users, public 6.13. Checks intersections, correct observations conducted prior to entering 6.14. Eye contact left, right and front is correct 6.15. Courtesy to others is displayed 6.16. Shoulder check is conducted regularly 6.17. Smoothness of vehicle is of a high standard 6.18. Acceleration sense, understand of electronic, clutch, gear operation is smooth CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 6Unsatisfactory AttitudeFailed to hands placed correctly on wheelFailed to keep a safe operating distance kept from other vehiclesFailed to integrate with other road usersFailed to conduct turn correctlyIncorrect roundabout etiquetteUnsatisfactory Attitude UNIT 7 - Couple/Uncouple HC/MC/Road Train UnitOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 7.1. Landing legs lowered / raised 7.2. Airlines disconnected correctly and stowed correctly 7.3. 3 points of contact used to mount/dismount rear of prime mover 7.4. Electrical lead removed correctly and placed in correct stowed position 7.5. Truck uncoupled from trailer safely 7.6. Airline connections are safety locked and checked 7.7. Electrical lead fitted using correct handling techniques 7.8. B Trailer Coupled or uncoupled Safely Head Check Performed 7.9. Tug Test Performed when coupled 7.10. A trailer or Single trailer coupled or uncoupled Safely Head Check Performed CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 7Failed to lower / raise Landing legsFailed to use 3 points of contactFailed to complete Tug TestFailed to used hazard lights when reversing, advised the driver that they must always use the hazard lights when reversingFailed to stow away cables, i informed the driver of the issues related to not stowing away the connector cables.UNIT 8 - Reverse VehicleOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 8.1. Ensures area behind vehicle is clear 8.2. Positions vehicle correctly to allow ease of operation and good vision 8.3. Selects low gear to maintain control of vehicle 8.4. Sounds horn before reversing 8.5. Uses both mirrors to observe progress 8.6. Rides clutch while reversing 8.7. Applies all park brakes when stopped and prior to exiting the cabin 8.8 Uses hazard lights when reversing CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 8Failed to ensure area behind vehicle is clearFailed to used hazard lightsFailed to used hazard lights when reversing, advised the driver that they must always use the hazard lights when reversing UNIT 9 - ParkingOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 9.1. Performs checks First and Warns Others of intended action 9.2. Ensures the intended parking area is suitable & safe to park 9.3. Follows correct procedure for manoeuvring into parking bay 9.4. Ensures prime mover and Trailer/s are within parking bay CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 9Chosen parking area is not suitableFailed to use indicatorsUNIT 10 - Stop EngineOutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoneSee CommentsObservation Elements 10.1. Park brake including trailing equipment is applied 10.2. Transmission is placed in Neutral/Park position 10.3. Driver releases clutch and doesn’t keep foot on pedal(If Applicable) 10.4. Engine brake is turned off 10.5. Engine is revved before shutdown 10.6. Adequate time is allowed for engine to idle / cool down CommentsQuick CommentsSatisfactorily Completed Unit 10Failed to apply Park brake Final Outcome In relation to this Heavy Vehicle Driver Assessment, the operator has been assessed as::OutcomeCompetentNot Yet CompetentIssues IdentifiedNoYesFinish Time*Further Training ReqNoYesOverall Grading:ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorVery PoorSkills %Overall Comments on Assessment and attitudeQuick CommentsVery professional and courteous operator.Good knowledge of equipment and.professional operator.Good attitude, good operator.Extremely good attitude and good knowledge of equipment and.professional operator.Very good positive attitude and safe operation demonstratedOverall , very good , safe and competent operation demonstratedOverall , very good , safe and competent operation demonstratedSignatures On signing this Training Competency Report, it is acknowledged that the above mentioned operator has completed the Operator Competency Assessment course Assessor SignatureOperator Signature Submit